Robot NOES; a robotic device to handle needle phobia among children.

A new tool to prevent needle phobia

Together with the Royal Dutch Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital of the University Medical Center Utrecht, we have developed a new tool that helps children to deal with needle fear.

Thanks to the built in technical heart, NOES creates a soothing rhythm so that the breathing and the heart rate of the patient will relax. A child thereby quickly becomes more relaxed so that the medical operation can be carried out more pleasant, safer and faster.

Unique features:

  • Great attraction
  • Des-infectable
  • Wireless charging
  • Lifelike breathing


  • Brings focus
  • Regulates breathing
  • Makes surgery faster and safer
  • Prevents anxiety or needle phobia

knuffelrobot NOES prikangst

How Noes works ?

This robot device is equiped with a built-in “technical heart” that imitates a calming breathing. Thanks to various sensors, the child receives feedback through the eyes of Noes.

The child will soon take over the physical rhythm of Noes and thereby gain breathing under control.
This allows the distress level to decrease dramatically and the medical procedure to run faster, more enjoyable and safer.

prikangst knuffelrobot noes

prikangst roboticare noes

What happens during Needle Phobia ?

Individuals with needle fear or needle phobia experience intense anxiety and stress when they need to be pricked. Therefore their heart rate and blood pressure rises significantly.

After this phase of increased heart rate and blood pressure, the body reacts with an opposite reaction (vasovagal reflex). In addition, heart rate and blood pressure drops quickly, sometimes so extreme that the patient faints.

Needle Phobia is prevented by a safe and pleasant environment, good information, distraction and controlled breathing. Noes delivers on all these aspects an important contribution!


Noes is an initiative of:




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Robots & assistive technology.